Diet Healthy Living’s Blog

September 12, 2011

The Need for Sleep

Filed under: Boost Your Immunity, exercise, fitness, healthy living, Reduce Stress & Anxiety — diethealthyliving @ 7:29 pm

This article highlights the needs for sleep as well as living healthily. It also gives some suggestion how to achieve longer sleeping hours.

Recent studies have shown that sleep for adults is severely lacking. More and more adults are decreasing sleeping time in favor of work and having a good time. What they do not know is that our body needs sleep in order to function better.

Getting the right amount of sleep also helps to decrease the risk of diabetes, heart disease and other diseases. Studies have also shown that the brain functions slowly when a person is deprived of the right number of sleeping hours. Reflexes are usually slow and decisions are not as sound as they are when the person has had enough sleep and rest. The organs in our body also benefit from sleeping since this is the time that they also rest and recuperate. Combining the right amount of sleep with healthy living and the proper diet can extend mortality.

Vitamins from a healthy diet as well as supplementation can aid in a person sleeping well. Avoiding caffeine and sugary drinks in the late afternoon as well as sugary foods may increase ones possibility of a longer and peaceful sleep. Stress can also deprive a person of peace of mind thus making him unable to achieve longer and more peaceful sleep.

Exercise can aid in achieving longer sleep as long as this is done a few hours before they person is supposed to go to bed. It also helps to go sleep around the same time in order to condition the body that when this time comes around, it should rest.

July 22, 2011

Identifying Your Stress Triggers

Filed under: Boost Your Immunity, exercise, healthy living — diethealthyliving @ 7:57 pm

If you learn what your stress triggers, you can come up with strategies to deal with them on a daily basis.
There are many people who deal with stress on a daily basis. Most people do have some stress to manage and the level fluctuates from one day to the next in intensity. However, everyone needs to take into consideration different ways to reduce it. If you are under constant levels of stress, your body is unable to function properly. You can become ill or face problems sleeping. One of the first steps in reducing stress levels is to understand what is causing your stress to occur in the first place.
• Job pressures are often a stress trigger.
• Stress from financial problems.
• Relationship problems, or concerns, can trigger stress.
• Demands on your time that are too many, or too limiting can lead to stressful situations.
• If you are overcommitted, you may feel stress.
• Even positive events, such as getting a new job, planning a wedding or just managing your home, can lead to a negative reaction.
Instinctually, your body looks for ways to reduce stress. In short, it’s the flight or fight mechanism that helps us to make decisions. However, it is also critical for individuals to learn the underlying cause of the stress before trying to tackle it. Often it’s difficult to realize how deep or intense stress can be. By first identifying your stress triggers, you can then begin to work on ways to resolve those stressful situations and improve your health.

June 24, 2011

Keep Exercising During the Summer Months

Filed under: exercise, fitness — diethealthyliving @ 8:19 pm

When the weather is warm and the summer is upon us it can be difficult to schedule exercise time. It is important however to maintain your work outs in order to keep your body in tip top shape.

Many people slack off with their exercise routines during the summer months and opt to spend their time doing “more fun” activities. According to Sally Head, owner of La Grange Adventure Boot Camp, it is possible to enjoy summer fun while still continuing to work out. In fact she cautions this can be a bad idea as even temporarily stopping your fitness routine can cause your metabolism to slow down and can cause you to lose some of your muscle mass. If you eat more over the summer and then do not burn off those calories then it can lead to weight gain. This is definitely not what you want during swimsuit season!

The way to maintain your work outs is to plan appropriately and to choose time efficient exercises that will keep you toned, trim and as healthy as possible. Schedule your exercise time for either first thing in the morning or in the evenings. This gives you the rest of the day to do whatever else you have planned.

You also need to find creative ways to keep your routine challenging and exciting. If it gets too mundane and boring then you are going to have a difficult time returning to it day after day.

If you are looking for a way to keep exercise stimulating then why not sign up for a fitness boot camp? According to Head this is a “results-driven, whole-body routine.” You can burn as many as 600 calories in one hour. If you really want to give your heart and the muscles in your body a good work out then nothing works better than a fitness boot camp! This is the way to keep exercise fun in the summer months, and indeed all year long!

New Orleans women of all fitness levels, sizes and ages are gaining great results with New Orleans Adventure Boot Camp! And you can too. To learn more visit us at or call 504-292-1981.

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